On Monday, here in Virginia, we had a blizzard, on Saturday we had 75 degrees and let me tell you after 2 months of doing squat it was mighty good to be working in the sunshine. So today's task was to trim out the headliner, fit the sailboards and put in the rear parcel shelf. (Actually I am not sure that you colonials call it a parcel shelf but it is the piece between the rear seat and the rear window). As the faithful reader will recall due to a cock up by
Dearbourne Classics I ended up with a surplus of sailboard material and this I used to cover the parcel shelf and let me tell you that it looks damned sharp. Now back to the story.
I had anticipated that this was not going to be easy (nothing is for team
Galaxie) and sure enough the first hour was spent in a rage of frustration, tears and Lord's name taking of in vain. After all of this I had

One piece of trim and five screws! Then
I worked out for myself Gene told me that if you used a ice pick you could not only find the screw holes which are all hidden behind the cloth but you could also use the pick as a lever to align the trim to the holes. After that everything went swimmingly. Of course I was still at it all day but I was now singing a happy little song in the sun.
Here is the sailboard and parcel shelf installed and the rear window trimmed out.
and here is the front quarter. Lest you are worried the gap at the top is where the sun visor bracket screw in. There are a few wrinkles that I couldn't get out but you know I don't care. I shall hold my head up high and tell people that no professional restorer touched my car.
So next week (unless we have another blizzard I shall install the courtesy lamps and the sun visors, then rear panels and the rear seats. Maybe if time permits the carpet and the door panels. It is sure good to be working again. Now if you will excuse me I am off to sing a little John Denver number. Sunshine on my shoulders make me happy (yes it does).