Sunday, September 28, 2008
Slow Going
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Locks and stuff
I also noticed from my tracking device, that many of you have installed a routine that tells you when this blog has a new entry. So I thought that I would slip in a random but trivial entry just to bump my stats. Have a nice day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
More Chrome
I also put on some of the badges
Yes I know the chrome needs a little polish but I spent an hour getting the stuff on and I was just too tired. Maybe tomorrow.

This is the badge for the passenger side, to affix it there are seven holes in the fender. On the driver's side I found two holes! Now I am sure that I did not fill the fender so where are the holes?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Getting there slowly

Friday, September 19, 2008
The lights are on (but no one is home)

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Getting Closer

The other task was to replace the glass in the drivers door. It took about a day to remove the glass so I was anticipating a bad time. Surprisingly everything fell into place and with a spot of taking the Lord's name in vain it only took an hour or so. With all the windows wound up I closed the door to check the seal and then realized that with no outside door handles I was now locked out. Fortunately I remembered in the nick of time that I had not yet replaced the windshield so I was able to lean in and pop the door. The next job will be to replace the door handles.
I think that she is starting to look a little like a car again and a few more weeks and I might be done. So this week I am going to put on the door handles, headlights and all the front chrome, the quarterlight openers and maybe a few badges. On Saturday, with some help from Mrs P. I hope to install the headliner and the sailboards. This I think will be the last of the tough jobs.
I had my first drive of Gene's Galaxie yesterday. It is interesting to feel the difference in handling between a 60's car and a modern vehicle. It was also interesting to feel the power of the 390 engine. When you are used to changing down through the box to ascend hills it is a bit of a thrill to leave the transmission alone and press the throttle to make it go.

Friday, September 12, 2008
More Car

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
In Glorious Color
I think that I may have made my last purchase from Dearbourne Classics. Lordy I must have dropped at least three grand with these people. Still everything I bought was top quality and at least the staff know what they are talking about(unlike those unfeeling bastards at Dennis Carpenter). Anyway the final order was all the little things that I had forgotten like coat hangers, lamp gaskets and paint for the kick panels.
Last night I replaced the rubber seals around the quarter light and it only took about two hours. This is the one that is out of the car, the passenger side is still in the door so I have a bad feeling that I will need to remove it to replace the seal, ho hum. Perhaps I will start by replacing the windshield. So much to do and so little time.
Tomorrow I will be working on the rebuild and if I remember to take the camera I will get some pictures to post on Friday. Watch this space.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Onwards and Upwards
On Saturday I delivered the Galaxie to the paint shop. The shop is about two miles away so the Gaxalie got a good run. I don't know what was more fun, driving the car (at a very conservative 60 mph) or the the look on the faces of the oncoming traffic as this shell of a car roared (remember still no exhaust system) passed them. I should just mention here that the journey was entirely along very minor backroads although I did have to cross one main street. The deputies would have been no problem as I know most of them and Gene who was following me knows the rest. Meeting a State trooper would have been an issue as they are, in the main, vicious bastards. Anyway the journey passed uneventfully and she is now in the shop. Of course we had to have the obligatory hour long chat but I was eventually able to let the man know that if any extra work was entailed he should do whatever was necessary.
It also transpires that after 3 weeks the spotlight man turned up! It should have been obvious but he has known the paint man for 60 years so I am sure that they had an hours chat and then he drilled the hole in the dash and the fender. He wanted to do it before the car was painted so he really did leave it until the 11th hour.
All in all it was a huge step forward and the next time I see the Galaxie she will be in her final livery. Then it is just a question of putting it together. The big issue will be replacing the roof liner but after our stunning success with the seats I am quietly confident.
I won't be working this weekend because;
a) I am sure that the car will not be finished (or possibly not even be started)
b) Next Saturday I am going squirrel hunting