During the course of the last 20 months Gene has donated many many parts for the Galaxie and in addition countless nuts, bolts and screws. I am (and will always be) truly grateful. Of course having so many parts around, occasionally they get a little mixed up and the faithful reader will doubtless recall the tragedy with the front bumpers. The faithful reader will also recall the struggle I had with the sunvisor brackets. Now lest you think that I am an ungrateful, whining misery let me once again praise Gene for giving me a set of brackets to replace my missing ones and then point out that the bracket he gave me bore no relation to 1963 Galaxie brackets. Once I realized this (by looking at Gene's car) I was able to swap them out with another set from Gene's stock and then find the mounting holes. After that the job was a doddle.
Check out the cool mirror, the dice and how flat the roof liner is. I also fitted the new glove box,

I know it is only a glove box but look it now contains my registration and insurance.
I also fitted the steering wheel center.

That was about it apart from visiting the man who is going to fit the exhaust system. Whilst he has the car he will give it to his old school tuning man who will adjust the timing and carburation. All of this will be done during the week so hopefully next Saturday I will bring her home and the following Saturday our first cruise in.