Once again I have to report that progress was the same old, yes
indeedy, sand, sand and more sand. Still if progress can be measured by the grade of the grit (and of course it can) then I am flying because we are now using 220 (as opposed to 80 and 150). It seems like most of the big stuff is nearly done and I am now looking at the small chips and imperfections. Each of these will now be flattened, filled and sanded. The end result will be a car that looks like new. At the end of my day I ran a coat of cheap primer over some of the bigger areas to act as a tell tale. It is interesting (or should that be depressing) to look at what appeared to be a perfect repair and see lots of
little bubbles and scratches pop up as the paint dries. Naturally it is better to catch them now, when they can be taken care of, rather than after the top coat is spayed on. I can also report that my skills as a sprayer are marginally better than as a welder.

What I don't understand is why some areas looks smooth as glass and some like the surface of the moon. Oh well at least is is only a tell tale coat which will be sanded. When it comes to the final coat I shall stick to plan A and pay the sprayer.
Still, as predicted, my fire worked beautifully and I was toasty all day.
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