Apart from the vast knowledge Gene has of old Fords another major plus is the fact that he has all the equipment necessary for all manner of tasks. Case in point I managed to pick up 5 new tires for $40 each this week. Now I know that they are nasty Chinese imports but ;
The car will not be driven above local speed limits.
It will never be out in anything other than perfect weather.
The insurance restricts use to less than 5000 miles a year so the sidewalls will probably crack before the treads give up.
Anyhow the tire retailers make an arm and a leg on fitting, balancing and valves all of which, courtesy of Field Autobody, I get for free. I had hoped to fit them tomorrow but the weather channel calls for more snow tomorrow and a high of 27 on Sunday. I may well spend all weekend in front of a big log fire.
However progress will be made on Monday as I am driving the bumpers and assorted small chrome parts to be replated. I have already been warned that re-chroming the bumpers could be a buttock clenching $350 each! Still to offset the costs I am also re-chroming the original remote control mirror. In the 60's they did not have little motors to drive the mirror so this thing works with a joystick and three wires. Some of this original equipment in show condition is worth a fortune to collectors so I shall post it on eBay when it is done and see what happens.
Watch this space.
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