The driver's door lock has been bothering me for the longest time. It is all pretty straightforward just long rods and levers that push a bar up on the door handle to stop the button opening the door. It seemed like the rod was out of adjustment so I prised it out and started to adjust the length of the actuator, which was when it sheared off. Another one of those "crap, what now" moments. Fortunately I still had the original stoved in door and the rod was intact. Realizing that adjusting the screw was not an option I just fitted it to the door and it worked perfectly ! High five me. Also a small piece of dashboard trim has been missing since forever but I found one on Ebay and that got fitted as well.
So the big project was the headliner as once this is in then I can finish the rest of the interior and the project is done. Now before I start this tale let me explain that around the roofline is a strip of hardboard know as the tack strip. The purpose of this is so you can tension the fabric and staple it into place before fitting the trim which hides the wood and the staples. Well we got the rods into the fabric and the rods mounted into the holes in the roof. We stretched and stapled and stretched and stapled and when we were finished it looked like crap. So we had another go and by the time we were finished it looked very, very good. I then started to fit the trim and realized that there was a major problem. It wasn't long before I discovered that I had mounted the tackstrip above the fixing mounts instead of below, that is to say way too high. This meant that the staples all showed. Even sadder I had cut the material to the strip so there was now an inch gap all around. Disaster indeed.
Well I have always believed that when life hands you a lemon you should find a friend with some tequila and get wasted so looking on the bright side I now know that I can fit a wrinkle and sag free headliner and as soon as I can buy another one, this is what I will be doing.
BTW I got this email from a car mag. Happy days.
Hello David,Thank you for sharing your story! Very nice work on the Galaxie! Keep me posted on the progress. Your car would be perfect to be featured on one of our collector magnets.