After the fiasco with the front bumper and as part of that miserable day I didn't feel much like mentioning that the front left light didn't work. This Saturday feeling much better I decided to fix it. So what with the parking light and the turn signal not working logic dictates that there must be a common cause and what could be more common than a ground fault? So I gave it my best shot but just could not get a decent ground. Eventually I took the whole thing apart and discovered that when I had replaced the bulb I clearly twisted too hard and broke the seal between the glass and the holder. Thus the first time I turned it on the filament oxidized and burnt out. Who would have guessed that the bulb could be common? Anyway here is a picture of the working light.

and because I love the lines of this great car here is another pointless and gratuitous picture

I also fitted a genuine 1963 mirror, no big deal but it is historically correct.

I am not too sure what else I did but I do know I put in another 8 hours so I must have done something else.
Tomorrow I am driving the original front bumper to the
electro plate shop as well as two rear bumper guards that I acquired. I have no doubt at all that the price of chrome will have gone through the roof so brace yourself for a
whining bleating blog soon.
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