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Sunday, September 9, 2007

And on we go,

Well we made huge progress this weekend, sadly I forgot the camera so no pictures this time. Sorry y'awl.

In fact we made more progress that should have been possible as Marco set to work on Friday and got the brakes working. Gene loaned me a master cylinder (which will be returned next year when I convert to front disks) and with the two new slaves Marco did a complete brake job in 3.5 hours for which he charged me $28, is that a deal or what?

So on Saturday Gene and Marco attacked the underside of the car and the inside of the trunk. They uncovered what I thought were vast rust holes but Gene says that they aint nuttin, she's rusted out exactly were I expect her to be and I'll have um done better than she ever was.

The driver's door has to be replaced and we got a spare with the car. I set to work sanding it down and discovered that this door was white, then black, then primer followed by red. Eventually someone spilled blue all over the glass and let it run down the door. The trick, so I was told, is to hold the sander flat to the panel, in this way you uncover any low spots. When I was finished Gene pointed out two minuscule imperfections that will be filled before we paint. I have this happy feeling that the Galaxie is going to end up looking better than the day it left the line in 63.

The sides, underside and inside of the door were all tickled with the sandblaster and let me tell you people that is a brutal summbitch. We found some rust along the seam but nothing the maestro can't handle and again better than new.

And that was about my day apart from getting the damaged door off and set to one side, which was about as heavy as I could carry. I wonder if they are called muscle cars because you need muscles to repair them. I also discovered that the sand from the blaster gets everywhere and even after a 30 minute shower I was still picking grains from some very recessed nooks and crannies.

Money spent ; $24 on paint stripper, wire brushes and assorted odds and ends.

1 comment:

Mole said...

Well Mr., you just drive on over to Gene's on your lunch break, and bloody well take some pictures then!