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Friday, September 7, 2007

More Prep

Well it might not appear that we made too much progress but things are moving on. The big issue is the panel behind the driver's door. (I don't care about the door, as I have a replacement). We got the porta power in behind and pressed out most of the damage but the line of the seam is not right. Gene (who knows about these things) reckons that we can put a torch on it and get the seam straight with an air chisel, and who am I to argue? So it looks like that will be the big job for Saturday. Anyway here is where we are today.

The driver's side panel after we tickled it with the presses. If you think that this looks bad, it was infinitely worse before we beat it up!

We also had a look at the rear quarters and discovered that we are not the first to boldly go..... As you can see from the photo someone has beaten us to it. Even though this is quite a nice repair the other side has already rusted through (see previous pics). As the plan is that this proud and haughty beauty will stay in the family for the next 20 years it is all going to be redone in metal courtesy of Gene.

You can clearly see that pop rivets and bondo in this repair. It is all coming out to be replaced with a nice welded panel.

Finally one of Gene's buddies turned up and with the benefit of a pint of White Lightning proceeded to give us some advice. Here's to you JP

Tomorrow is Saturday and I shall be putting in a full day on the Princess. Call me sad if you will but I am so looking forward to it. Watch this space.

1 comment:

Mole said...

That guy is so drunk, you could blindfold him with dental floss...ha