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Monday, December 3, 2007

The Engine is out

Did I ever work. Good Lord I was under, over and under that car all day and what is more I forgot the damned camera again. Sorry yawls I will snap some more on my next trip. Anyway I got the transmission off first just to make the lift easier and then two bolts later the engine was swinging from the bucket of Gene's tractor. As usual the body shop was the County's social center and I was surrounded by good ol' boys with plenty of (good and welcome) advice.

So I will be back underneath to sandblast the front end and then the engine bay. Fortunately the original engine bay color was black so it should be fairly easy to make a nice job of that. Then to clean and detail the engine. It should be black with a gold pan and valve covers but the top is going to be chrome so I figure I can paint the pan anything I want. Maybe even like this in Viking Blue to match the body. The world really is my oyster.

I was going to perform all the upgrades after the car was back on the road but it occurs to me that with the engine out this might be a fine time to replace the generator with an alternator, it will certainly be easier to weld new brackets with the block hanging off a chain.

I really am having way too much fun

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