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Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Toys

Well I should have worked on the Galaxie last Tuesday but you know what? It was just too damned cold and the thought of lying on a concrete floor disconnecting the transmission was more than man and boy could handle. It is going to be colder tonight but for some perverse reason I am going to go do some work, I guess I just miss it after all. (In addition I felt ashamed of myself for watching House MD on Tuesday, it really has turned into pointless drivel).

I have been feeling somewhat torn about the finished product for as you know I would like it to look basically stock but then again changes have to be made, alternator, disc brakes and so on. I was going to sandblast the rocker boxes (valve covers to you colonials) and air filter and then paint them gold to match the original. I can source the original decals and I thought that would look sweet but then I found this.

Isn't that a pretty set? Well I twatted around for a while in a tizzy of indecision and then Gene arrived. Gene is the oracle for all things Galaxie and his opinion counts. It transpires that Ford used to offer a "dress up" kit and so this chrome stuff does not break any unwritten code of Galaxie men. With Gene's approval I was set to go and now this is what the top will look like.

Rock on Baby.

1 comment:

Mole said...

Two words: "BLING, BLING"