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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nothing to Report

Well I haven't blogged lately because nothing much has happened. I didn't work last Saturday as duty called and I spent the day either in the Coffee House or restocking the Coffee House, merde!

Still I did tackle a task that I thought would be a nightmare and yet turned out to be a dream (isn't that always the way)? My good ol' boys had already told me to change the exhaust manifold gaskets while the engine was out as it was near impossible to do with the engine in. I was fully prepared to end up grinding out the bolts but in fact only two sheared off and the others came out nice and easy. As it happens one gasket was shot and the other was missing. (Once again I am forced to the conclusion that I am not the first to boldly go &etc.).

That is it, that is all I have done in a week. I have decided to paint the block Ford Blue. It is not the correct color (Galaxies had black engines) but the air cleaner and valve covers arrived last night and the badges are in blue (see the picture below) so it is going to look sweet. I shall sandblast the manifolds and spray them in silver.

This is a labor of love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CB, you forgot the picture ;-)