Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Winter draws on
In preparation for winter I started to install a wood burning stove and it looks like I should be nice and toasty all winter, the pictures will follow. Sadly I realize that the clocks go back this Sunday and that will curtail my two evening work a week. Of course we gain an hour in the morning but I am dreadfully not a morning person so that is not going to help at all.
What else did I do? Oh yes that's it I block sanded the driver's door! I think another five coats of filler and ten hours of sanding and we might be close. (To finishing the door, that is, the end of sanding the car seems like decades away).
Onwards and Upwards
Monday, October 29, 2007
Filling in Time
Talking of the boys, we had quite a delegation on Saturday. It seems to be the thing that if we are in the shop and the boys are passing by, they call in. It used to disturb me that a lot of talk and not much work got done but then I realized that this is a hobby not a business and I am in no heaving rush to get this job done. Such is life in the south and where good company is concerned I would rather be at a country wake than a Yankee wedding.
Miracle of miracles, the invisible man turned up on Saturday! Well at 6:00, so he hadn’t come to do any work. Still he said that he would show on Saturday and he did.
No pictures this time as I think that we are all sick of shots body panels and filler (I know that I am). So my day concluded with a quick thrash up and down the road. One of the boys did mention that it would go a lot quicker if I connected the vacuum advance but I might leave that until I have a drivers door and a seat that doesn’t skitter around the car like a hippo in an ice rink.
Finally one of the boys has the spotlight bracket that I need for the drivers light, he also knows where I can buy a new spotlight and that makes me happy. It seems like the spotlight option was only a southern thing as the boys needed to be able to turn their rear lights off in order to avoid the attention of the ATF bureau.
Way cool.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Onwards and Upwards

no lights
hell, no front end
no exhaust system
no drivers door
a seat held on by gravity
no tags
4 bald tires with a combined pressure of 20 psi
newspaper flapping everywhere,

Plans for the next few weeks? I think I might do me some more block sanding.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Plugs and Points
Still we made sterling progress on the Galaxie and I even had a go at sanding (under Gene's very watchful eye). Then (shock) Marco turned up! He even offered to refund my $20 but I thought that I would keep him on the hook as the engine is due to be pulled on Saturday week and I may need him. Of course I may never see him again, time will tell.
At the end of the day we both sat back and just stared at the car. It could be that we were mesmerised by its intrinsic beauty or it could be that we were two worn out farts.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Giant Steps

Friday, October 12, 2007
Swinging the Lead
By the time I arrived he had already done one side and was working on the other. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I am already looking for ways to get out of block sanding this stuff. Actually the point may be moot as Gene tells me that once we think it is perfect then we will prime it and spend hours using wet and dry paper to make it really perfect. Tout Alors! There were also some nasty ulcers around the hood so Gene decided to grind them down. Whilst doing so he explained that for some reason people found the need to slam the hood with the palm of their hand and this could cause the hood to dent in. Sure enough as he ground away he found a patch exactly where he predicted. Although it was an invisible mend, he dug it all out so that he could replace it with our top quality filler. The man is nothing if not professional. While all this was happening I was underneath changing out the rear shocks. Not difficult, not exciting, just necessary. Sadly the twilight beat me and I have one more to do on Saturday.
I decided that as costs are ramping up I need to economize a tad. Behold the new drivers seat. Notice the correct color match and the auto recline feature (floor the car and you topple over backwards). The astute reader will also note the manual cruise control already installed and sitting on the floor.
On a less flippant note, I really am excited at where we are going with this project and the next one is taking shape, if only in my mind.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Paint paint and paint

The gas tank is back in and it is a nice feeling to be putting things back in as opposed to be pulling parts out.

Sadly time ran out as I was hoping to replace the rear shocks and get the fuel lines connect so I could get her back on her feet and turned around. After that the engine comes out and the inside and engine bay gets sandblasted and painted up.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Death Car?
When one gets used to the safety that is now designed into modern cars it feels strange to be in a car designed in the 50’s. Still on the bright side this car is built like a tank. Should it hit a modern vehicle then I expect that it will fully utilize that vehicle’s crumple zone. So as long as we don’t hit Jimmy Juggernaut in his 18-wheeler, or horror of horrors, another Galaxie we should get away without denting a fender.
Beep beep.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Block Sanding
On a more reverent note, there is a design issue with the Galaxie. Apparently there are six spot where the panels are lead soldered together and seamed with lead. Over the years this sets up problems with the lead cracking and damaging the paintwork. In addition the lead has some sort of acid effect on the paint. In fact you can clearly see on the top of the rear wing what can only be described as acne. According to my mentor we shall be running the torch over these areas and melting out the lead to replace it with modern filler. Did I mention how great this Galaxie is going to be?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Patches and Paint

I pulled the paint code from the door plate and although I suspected that the car was Viking blue it was good to get it confirmed. We bought a quart for the door jams and blew $67. Sooner or later I am going to have to buy 2 gallons, ouch.
I am going to leave the big fill to Gene. This requires more skill and a better eye for the line than I have but as you can see already it is coming together. The vertical edges are now straight and mainly metal. Another day of mainly filling and sanding and we will be looking real good.
The big patches are welded in and to improve the look I have now bondo-ed them in and covered them in tar. Here is a shot of the patch that I should have taken last week
This is under the rear seat and you can see the surface rust clearly here. There are no holes in there but as far as I can see the rust is caused by the fact that there was a sticky rubber padding in the floor. This must have trapped moisture and here is the result. Next week I shall tickle this with the sandblaster and once it is bare metal, prime, paint, tar and then put new sound deadening down. Did I mention how solid this car is going to be? Seriously, this is going to be a 100 year car, 2063 my great grandchildren will be riding this thing. OK back to the point.
Here is a shot of the front. Note the lack of a gear shifter, it's on the column which was one of the main reasons for buying this one, a bench front seat. Incidentally a four speed transmission is called "four on the floor". What we have here is known as "three on the tree". Just to the left of the air conditioner (yes we have air) is the overdrive lever. That should get us up to 17mpg on a long run using supreme grade fuel. BTW look at the dashboard to get an idea of what a great color Viking Blue is. It is hard to see from the body as the 46 year old paint is sun faded. Additionally I have almost decided to make it a two tone by painting the roof off white. The upside is that I am sure it will look cool. The downside is that the paint will then not match the ID plate which kinda devalues the car. Decisions decisions.
Talking of fuel, as we were, I got the gas gauge sender installed and the tank will go back in as soon as I have painted and undersealed the underside of the trunk floor. I was going to do the paint until Gene explained that he would cover me in baby oil so that the paint would clean off afterwards. This sounded a touch homo to me so I decided to leave that until my itinerant tinker decides to turn up, if ever.
Instead I ambled off to do something more manly like drink beer.
Money spent; $67 on Viking Blue metallic.
Money to Burn
You will recall that Marco didn't show last Saturday and I assumed that he was flush and didn't need my wedge. Well he turned up last Thursday, not to work but to negotiate an interest free payday loan. Promising to work down the debt on Saturday, he extracted $20 from me. Did he show Saturday? Did he buggery! Too busy blowing
Part II
Several of the auto restoration companies ply their wares on Ebay and I like to keep an eye out for a bargain. Last week I managed to pick up two vent window winders for $20. During breakfast with Gene I let him know about my financial acumen when he asked how much I had paid. When I told him he gave me that knowing smile which prompts the retort "What!". "Well", he says "I picked up a box of those at the Carlisle show for $1 each. Let me know if you need any other parts"
Bon bloody jour as we say in German
Money spent; $20 on winders (bah humbug)