Another milestone. I got the second rear shock on and then connected the fuel lines and the gas gauge sender unit. With the wheels back on I primed the
carb and fired this bad boy up, and yes she started first time.

Sadly I discovered that my lightweight racing seat just didn't cut it. Ever resourceful I fashioned a new, and this time working, drivers seat. I think that you will agree it has a certain southern charm.
Anyhoo I reversed her out of the garage under her own power and parked her under the trees. As you can imagine after all the sandblasting that went on the garage was two inches deep in sand and all of that had to be swept out before I could reverse her back in so that we can work on the front end. I also took the opportunity to clean out the garage so that the car fits completely in.

Here is a shot of the now working gas gauge. I know that it is a small thing but I got such a buzz out of seeing something work that was previously crap. High five me.

I have always thought that I could never be a gardener or an interior decorator because I can't see the finished product in my mind's eye. However with this project how could anyone not see the potential? I can just see me cruising down the Rue
de Elegance with Britney, Paris and Lindsay all telling me how big and blue it is.
By the way the real reason that I could never be a gardener or an interior decorator is that I am not a

Finally, a gratuitous and pointless picture of the engine. 6.4 liters of Ford's finest,
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