It is a strange paradox that as we make more progress the car looks crappier and crappier. It is now covered in dust from all the block sanding as well as masking tape and pieces of newspaper. Still it is clear that we are making astounding progress and that makes me happy. I decided that I definitely do not want the remote control mirror on the drivers fender as it will get in the way of the spotlight (if I ever find one). So Gene welded up the three holes and that took him all of two minutes. It is impressive what you can do with the right tools. My task is to block sand and as jobs go it isn't too hard. The tough part will be when we decide it is right, then the car gets primed and we wet and dry it with 320 grit. Apparently this will show all the imperfections and we start all over again, be still my beating heart.

On the (very) good news front, Gene found a bucket seat to replace my milk crate. This meant that it is now very much easier to drive the car, the end result being that I could not resist taking it down the lane. On reflection, considering that I had ;
no lights
hell, no front end
no exhaust system
no drivers door
a seat held on by gravity
no tags
4 bald tires with a combined pressure of 20 psi
newspaper flapping everywhere,

it probably wasn't my most sensible idea, but let me tell you it was so worth it. That 390 pulls like a freight train, 40 mph in first gear, way cool. Now I can't wait to get this thing onto a test track to see what she can do.
Plans for the next few weeks? I think I might do me some more block sanding.
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