By the time I arrived he had already done one side and was working on the other. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I am already looking for ways to get out of block sanding this stuff. Actually the point may be moot as Gene tells me that once we think it is perfect then we will prime it and spend hours using wet and dry paper to make it really perfect. Tout Alors! There were also some nasty ulcers around the hood so Gene decided to grind them down. Whilst doing so he explained that for some reason people found the need to slam the hood with the palm of their hand and this could cause the hood to dent in. Sure enough as he ground away he found a patch exactly where he predicted. Although it was an invisible mend, he dug it all out so that he could replace it with our top quality filler. The man is nothing if not professional. While all this was happening I was underneath changing out the rear shocks. Not difficult, not exciting, just necessary. Sadly the twilight beat me and I have one more to do on Saturday.
I decided that as costs are ramping up I need to economize a tad. Behold the new drivers seat. Notice the correct color match and the auto recline feature (floor the car and you topple over backwards). The astute reader will also note the manual cruise control already installed and sitting on the floor.
On a less flippant note, I really am excited at where we are going with this project and the next one is taking shape, if only in my mind.
I hate to break it to you, Dad, but all these years you thought you were hilariously witty we were all living a lie (ask Mum)....until today. I am still LMAO (laughing my arse off) and you know that is a lot of laughing, given that I am literally "carrying" the Pegler gene. I am most impressed with the colour match of my new upholstered throne. And cruise control, though I'm not sure of the compliance with Virginia safety standards, is also a plus. Thanks Big Pants!!
why is gene wearing prison stripes in the top picture
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