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Tuesday, September 4, 2007


How I hate shopping. That is unless I can walk into a store pick up what I need and be home in 15 minutes. Monday all I wanted was 4 slave brake cylinders, a set of rear brake shoes, a set of shock absorbers and some brake fluid.

Now I accept that out here in the backwoods some obscure parts might be hard to find but come on people this is that land of the Ford here. Anyhow, Autozone could only provide a set of rear cylinders and wanted me to identify the type of shocks fitted. In a fit of pique I told them to poke it and took my business to Advance Auto. Now these folks were as useful as a chocolate fireguard. They could only supply the rear cylinders but only if I told them what size I needed. Now I am in a high dudgeon so I just stomped off home ignoring the pleas of the clerk who assured me that everything could be ordered.

Of course I will have to go back cap in hand and order the parts otherwise I will have nothing to do this weekend.

On a happier note I was able to find a complete set of exterior and interior trim screws on Ebay so at least I got something.

Money spent; $39.50

1 comment:

Mole said...

I say! Don't burn your bridges just because you are a grumpy shopper. Remember, Big Fly, there are only two car parts stores in southwest Virginia :)