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Thursday, September 13, 2007

The (wretched) DMV

I have this feeling that the DMV is staffed exclusively by withered old crones whose life regret is that they were born too late to have served in the Hitler Youth (although judging by their appearance some of them probably served under the Kaiser).

Today I went to title the Galaxie and I may just have well talked to the outside wall for all the help I got. It appears that the car value charts that are used to assess the fees payable, do not go back to 1963 so they need a bill of sale. In addition the hill billy that I purchased the car from did not bother to title it (in the trade this is known as title jumping, I am learning so much). Now the DMV want me to explain why it was not titled in 2002 which is the last date show, but how would I know?

So the best that they can suggest is that I need to get a bill of sale from the last person shown on the title and I think that we can all agree that is no help at all, especially as the DMV bill of sale form states "under penalty of perjury". Jesus I fake that and it is 6 months in the slammer followed by a slow boat back to frigging Blighty.

So the conversation ended with

"I am sorry but do you actually have a helpful suggestion?"
"No, next!! "

God bless the DMV


Mole said...

Why didn't he title it? and why is title jumping bad?

The Coffee Bastard said...

Because every time that you buy a vehicle you have to pay sales tax to Virginia. So imagine that Mr Handjob sells it to Mr Knuckle-Shuffle. Knuckle-Shuffle decides to sell it to Mr. Noballs who sells it to Mr Wankshaft who sells it to me. Now Virginia has lost the sales tax on 3 transactions and I have a title showing Handjob sold it in 2002. It is a mess and I shall call the DMV and ask for some help, explaining that I am the only good guy here. I shall also go back to Mr Wankshaft and try to get a bill of sale. Keep reading the blog

Mole said...

Ok Hostile