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Monday, October 29, 2007

Filling in Time

Well, there is not too much to report this week. No matter how hard you dress it up, block sanding is block sanding and although it is necessary, damn is it ever tedious. The good ol’ boys now joke that I walk around the shop glaring at the blocks like they are Copperheads. I spent all day sanding and at the end of it all (just when the car was, imho, looking sweet) Gene covered it all in a layer of, guess what?, more filler.

Talking of the boys, we had quite a delegation on Saturday. It seems to be the thing that if we are in the shop and the boys are passing by, they call in. It used to disturb me that a lot of talk and not much work got done but then I realized that this is a hobby not a business and I am in no heaving rush to get this job done. Such is life in the south and where good company is concerned I would rather be at a country wake than a Yankee wedding.

Miracle of miracles, the invisible man turned up on Saturday! Well at 6:00, so he hadn’t come to do any work. Still he said that he would show on Saturday and he did.

No pictures this time as I think that we are all sick of shots body panels and filler (I know that I am). So my day concluded with a quick thrash up and down the road. One of the boys did mention that it would go a lot quicker if I connected the vacuum advance but I might leave that until I have a drivers door and a seat that doesn’t skitter around the car like a hippo in an ice rink.

Finally one of the boys has the spotlight bracket that I need for the drivers light, he also knows where I can buy a new spotlight and that makes me happy. It seems like the spotlight option was only a southern thing as the boys needed to be able to turn their rear lights off in order to avoid the attention of the ATF bureau.

Way cool.

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