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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Winter draws on

We had a cold snap here in southern Virginia on Monday night and that rang alarm bells that I should have drained the Galaxie engine, oops. So Tuesday night I was at the shop discovering that in 1963 Ford did not put drain plugs on radiators. The alternative is to wrestle the bottom hose off which took all of 30 minutes. I probably should have checked first to see if the radiator was full of antifreeze or water because it was indeed full of antifreeze. Now I had to wash it all away to stop the shop cat drinking it. Poisoning Gene's cat would probably poison our working relationship as well. I tell you nothing is ever easy. As the French say "Tout a bloody lours"

In preparation for winter I started to install a wood burning stove and it looks like I should be nice and toasty all winter, the pictures will follow. Sadly I realize that the clocks go back this Sunday and that will curtail my two evening work a week. Of course we gain an hour in the morning but I am dreadfully not a morning person so that is not going to help at all.

What else did I do? Oh yes that's it I block sanded the driver's door! I think another five coats of filler and ten hours of sanding and we might be close. (To finishing the door, that is, the end of sanding the car seems like decades away).

Onwards and Upwards

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