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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I was expressing an opinion that the light was at the end of the tunnel apropos this sanding malarkey when Gene looked me in the eye and said "My boy used to make people sand with a paint stick"

Now I have absolutely no idea wtf that means other than (with a sinking heart) there is more sanding to be done. Still looking on the bright side it could be worse, I could be having bowel surgery in the woods with a stick.

Realizing that even I, with all my literary skills, can no longer write an interesting blog on sanding, I present for your interest and delight the picture below

Yes I know, its a 62 not a 63 and yes I realize it is a T ' bird not a Galaxie but behold, it is Viking Blue and Corinthian White and notice those fender skirts. Isn't that the greatest color scheme? Just looking at this picture makes me feel anxious down below.

Right I am off to gorge myself on turkey and then drink myself into a coma. Happy Thanksgiving Colonials

PS I nearly forgot. I bought new fender ornaments last week so I decided to sell off the old ones and perhaps reverse this dreadful money sink. So if you would like a spot of memorabilia go here and bid nice and high

Peace out,

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